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Amounts Per Serving

Leucine 2.7 g - Why Leucine?

**All Amino Acids are naturally occurring in protein. Amounts are based on one serving.

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Non-Essential amino are foundational building blocks of muscle!

Dymatize Protein Ethics

© 2016 Dymatize Nutrition, Elite100%乳清卵白,思尼克塗鴉曲奇味,32盎司(907克). All Rights Reserved. Designed by FreeHTML5.co Demo Images: Pexelssponsor: 床的世界. 除臭襪有用嗎. 借錢.

2:1:1 Ration BCAAs 5.5 g - 47% Essential Amino Acids (EAAs) 11.8 g


  • Protein 25 g
  • BCAAs 5.5 g
  • Leucine 2.7 g
  • Protein Powder
  • 100% Whey Protein*
  • 27 Servings
  • Banned Substance Tested + Gluten Free
  • Naturally and Artificially Flavored
  • Dymatize Perfecting Athletic Nutrition

Informed-Choice.ORG Trusted by Sport

  • Other CEAAs 2.4 g

Informed-Choice is a quality assurance program that certifies that all nutrition supplements and/or ingredients that bear the Informed-Choice logo have been tested for banned substances by the world class sports anti-doping lab, LGC.

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Make the most of your workouts with Elite 100% Whey Protein. Each serving of Elite 100% Whey Protein packed with 25 grams of high-quality, fast-digesting and absorbing whey protein, including whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate and whey peptides to support even the most rigorous athletic and fitness goals.

Why is non-essential...essential?

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Whether you're preparing for a hard workout, recovering from intense training in the gym or simply looking to increase your protein intake, Elite 100% Whey Protein is the perfect anytime protein.

Leucine is the BCAA that is directly involved in activating Muscle Protein Synthesis.

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Dymatize proteins are formulated based on the latest science and put to the test in university studies and at elite professional training facilities. Dymatize protein powders are always manufactured in GMP and Sport Certified facilities, meaning that all ingredients and final products are rigorously tested and validated clean and safe. They are banned substance tested for athlete's reassurance by Informed-Choice (www.informed-choice.org).

All Elite 100% Whey Protein powders are instantized for easy mixing ensure that you get world class taste and consistency from every serving.

  • Protein 25 g
  • Calories 140
  • Carbs 3 g
  • Fat 2 g
  • Sugar 2
  • BCAAs 5.5 g
  • Leucine 2.7 g
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